Research and regularization of the use of psychedelics* is currently nonexistent in Belgium, in contrast to our neighboring countries the Netherlands, Germany and Great-Britain. In these countries, the value of psychedelics (including MDMA) for treatment of different psychological conditions is gaining momentum, and medicalization as well as legalization lie ahead.
We live in a society where we observe an increase in episodes of depression, and a clear lack of ways to provide an answer to this suffering. Research proves the underestimated and beneficial value of psychedelics to contribute to this answer, additionally optimizing mental health.
The Belgian branch of the Psychedelic Society aims to organize educational days to gather sources of interest and interested parties, with a clear goal to objectively inform our society about the influence of psychedelics on quality of life.
Psychedelic Society Belgium aims to achieve this by raising money to promote and fund research in Belgium. Here, cooperation with Flemish and French speaking universities is essential. Furthermore we aim to start the conversation with policy makers to legally regulate the usage of psychedelics for the treatment of different psychological and therapeutic conditions.
The current legal framework in Belgium does not (yet) allow healthcare providers to be trained regarding the use of psychedelics and MDMA in a therapeutic setting, despite the existence of (expensive) programs abroad providing know-how and expertise. Our NPO aims to work together with these educational programs and establish Belgian training institutions as well.
*Psychedelics are a hallucinogenic class of psychoactive substances whose primary effect is to trigger non-ordinary states of consciousness and cause psychological, visual and auditory changes. “Classical” psychedelic drugs include mescaline, LSD, psilocybin, and DMT. Psychedelics have been demonstrated to be non-addictive, and can be used safely under the supervision of a trained facilitator.
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